That operation can't be completed because the DiskDoublerData file is missing needed resources. Reinstall DiskDoubler from the master disk. Sorry, but this version of DiskDoubler is the wrong version for this country. Contact your local distributor for the correct version. Sorry, but AutoDoubler compression methods are available only if AutoDoubler™ is installed. This copy of DiskDoubler has not been installed properly. Please reinstall it using your master disk. Sorry, DiskDoubler could not decompress the file “%s”. The disk may be full, or there may not be enough memory. Sorry, you cannot perform that operation on an entire volume. There is not enough space on the volume “%s” to complete the operation. A disk error occurred during the operation: %s. .sea IMPORTANT: Send in your registration card now to get free tech support and product upgrade announcements. We've already put postage on it for you. Thanks, and enjoy DiskDoubler! Sorry, the folder “%s” already exists and cannot be replaced. Sorry, you can't save “%s” over itself. The file “%s” is locked or on a locked disk. The file “%s” is already in use. Save in a new folder: Save As: “%s” is locked or on a locked disk. Do you want to expand it to a new file? “%s” is locked or on a locked disk. Do you want to compress it to a new file? Sorry, but DiskDoubler is busy with another task. Please try again later. Open The file “%s” is part of a split file. To expand it, you must first use the “Split or Join” command. The maximum split file size is 32767K. The minimum split file size is 8K. K Error opening working directory. Sorry, DiskDoubler can't open DiskDoubler Data. DiskDoubler requires that files be on an HFS volume. (“%s” is probably on a 400K floppy.) Error getting file info for “%s”. Idle. Done. Click or type a key to quit. Scanning… Items in a system folder or related folder cannot be compressed. If you want to compress them, drag them out of the folder first. The file “%s” is locked or open. Expand Compress expand compress Error recording personalizing information. The files you chose to expand are on a locked volume. You must unlock the volume to compress or expand. “%s” is locked or on a locked disk. Unlock it, or copy it to an unlocked disk.